I’ve always taught that an ideal society, in my view, would be a place where one could express him/herself freely. All rights of a person are put into account and that there are no social pressures for doing things in a specific way. No one is judged badly but people are given credit for the good things that they do. A person is able to maximize him/herself whilst serving or helping others. People would then be treated equally because he/she makes contributions to society by having fair share of work. Also people would be given respect as an individual countering the flow of people going for trends and such because not everyone can be able to do things others can but what one does is still considered important. Doing things will not be considered as labor because people would then love what they do. The only restrictions to my ideal society would be doing bad things against someone and mistreating or disrespecting life and others.
The perfect society for me would have to revolve around individuals being productive. Individuals would have been able to maximize their time and talents to the benefit of themselves and others. Productivity may spark the improvement of one society. It also sets standards and possibly influence to others to do more. With that people are able to do more of what they want then what they should because productivity grows and it would be a regular act to people. A society will also be prosperous given that people are productive. This society will be able to attain improvement thus creating better life for the people living in it. It would then make people living in this society’s lives easier.
Thinking about a society like that would mean that that society would have fewer problems because everyone contributes. There would be a solution to poverty because people would then have to contribute something to society because all of us have talents. Also, people would then have fair share of resources and would be able to acquire needs easily. It may also answer to corruption because there is also a notion of people being selfless because they do things for others too. If you think about it corruption is happening due to people being selfish and wishing to only again for themselves. In my ideal society people wouldn’t have to greedy because all is given what I due to them, not only that but the people’s needs are answered to by the government. People in an ideal society would never think of abusing what is given to them rather they accept only what is due to them and what is rewarded to them for their actions. People are free although they are still accountable for their actions. Furthermore, people may be punished for doing wrong to others because this would be unjust if left alone.
An ideal society’s surrounding for me would have to be simple but elegant. Also natural resources are to be maximized and modern man made sights would have to be eco friendly. People would value nature because it provides for them. This can also help lessen environmental issues such as global warming that affect people badly. This can also help in maintaining good health of people as well as better looking surroundings thus having more resources for better livelihood. In line with keeping our surroundings green, my ideal utopia would also help by recycling and using organic materials. As we are now having issues on environmental changes in weather and cleanliness, this would be of big help. An ideal utopia would have to be clean and safe. People in an ideal society would have to have respect for each other, his/her surroundings, and all living things. People would then be happy and have less problems because his/her surroundings give him/her comfort in knowing that nothing bad can go wrong or there is a minimal very chance of danger.
The government will be made of leaders that serve people because their role would be being able to provide people the proper and best needs to nurture their talents as individuals. The government should also be able attend to the needs of the people and by doing this they too are also being productive and reaching out to others. The government helps keep the society in order and makes sure that everyone is doing fine. By this I mean everyone is able to gain necessities easily because they deserve it. The government should be able to do their jobs right and if ever in lack, they should run projects to help others. The government should also keep an eye on what people do may it be good or bad. They are the ones in charge of dealing with social issues if any come up and must be able to find solutions to them with the help of the citizens. They government’s job is also to be able to show the people what is going on in society and what people can do, as citizens, to make things better. The government should also be open to what people think and what they wish for the country. Also they are accountable for allocating resources and solving economical problems. They should also make sure that the decisions they make are for the benefit of the people in the society. This society is mainly run by everyone but through the help and leadership of the government it is maintained orderly.
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