I was in 4th year high school when I really go into the whole PRO vs ANTI RH Bill debate.
I'll confess i knew little about this bill; I knew it was about:
- legalizing the use of contraceptives such as birth control pills and condoms
- providing people, as early as kids in grade school and so forth, with proper education about proper reproduction and how you can opt not to get a girl pregnant. also, teaching women about their cycle and what they can do to prevent getting pregnant
- allocating money for contraceptives to be given to people
- legalizing abortion/ killing unborn babies
Seems harsh don't you think, but look at society now.
Our country's been dealing with social issues such as over population and personally, i think it's time to take action. Having this bill put to account does not really imply that just because it's allowed, you have to do it. People are still accountable for their own actions; you can still say no to premarital sex, you can still say no to using contraceptives and no to having your kid aborted. Yes, I am PRO RH Bill and also a Catholic. Religion adds up to this ANTI vs. PRO argument by convincing people that it goes against respect for life. My argument, isn't it that if you respect life you would want to be able to provide proper nurture and needs to help it grow the way it deserves to? And in present, is that what most people get? My faith is really against abortion and so am i but parents would be accountable for the child that they brought into this world. I remember having seminars in church that urged us to be anti RH bill. At some point I find it wrong that they're forcing us to go with what they believe because I believe that people should be making decisions for themselves. It’s like saying you have to go against something because your religion is. I think they should just discuss their side and reason to why we should support it or not. But in my experience the speakers just emphasized that my faith is against it and so should I because it is morally wrong.
Another argue made by the speaker was that she finds it wrong that kids should be educated about this at a young age because they don’t know anything about it and it would be wrong to disrupt their innocence.
I remember having a debate about legalizing this Bill in one of my Social Studies class when i was in high school. My teacher asked one of my classmates to why is she ANTI RH bill and her argument was just because her religion says no to it because it goes against respect for life. He argued that people living in the slums know nothing about family planning. Why? Because they don't have money to get proper education. Now given that that isn't provided by the government (such as present) who would tell them that what they're doing is wrong? Sure some people should learn the hard way but what harm would it be to give them a warning or knowledge to what might happen next.
I also asked a few family members to what their stand is and none of my family members are for it. As a side note, they do not know I am for it, I just really wanted to know why they were against it. Anyway, they are against it because they think that natural family planning should be done. I agree too but I thought how would people in the slums know what family planning is if they can't even afford food. Yes values are implicated but I think we should take into consideration the status of our country.
Media's role in this is to show to the public familiar faces, if not people who are of influence that are in favour and those who are against it. People who are ignorant to even take a personal stand on this issue just go with whoever they think is of influence and sides with them. Also there is a sense of false advertisement wherein they hide some details to make it seem acceptable and right. I think the media should discuss this issue presenting both sides of being anti or pro so the people would know what the intentions of each side are. I also think that it would be able to minimize issues on the account because stating points of each side would set a clear view for people and would let them be able to decide accurately. Government officials are also factors of deciding for this. It would depend on their up bringing and what their purpose or intentions are. Also I think that they should educate the youth with proper values and well it is the duty of the parents to be able to teach their kids that.
My pros and cons this bill are:
It could minimize overpopulation in our country and also it can minimize poverty too due to the population’s reduction. People in the slums would be given proper education and the youth wouldn’t be as promiscuous because they would know the outcome of their actions given that they were educated about sex.
People would abuse the use of contraceptives and it would decrease morality by being sexually active.
The purpose of legalizing this bill is aimed at the betterment of our country by trying to solve over population but I think that people are just looking at the bill in a negative perspective that they don't realise that our country's social issues are far worse. Other countries that follow after this bill have been able to solve their issues on overpopulation. The effects of overpopulation in out country are far worse if you think of it to the extent that people here experience malnutrition. Severe action must be done, if not tried.
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